It's Friday, friends! We made it through another week. A very cold week for most of us.
If you've been reading this week, I did a mini series of homemade eyeshadow recipes and gave the results for each one. Today, I'll recap and rate them with an A - F score.
I have to admit that some of the results surprised me! Recipes that I thought looked too difficult weren't too bad, and the one that looked totally weird worked great!
How to Make Eyeshadow
I used the same eyeshadow for all of these recipes: L.A. Colors. I used that brand because it is inexpensive. I wanted to know if these recipes would work with a cheaper brand or if they would only work with expensive brands. Personally, I don't like to break up my expensive eyeshadow palettes. I also really love the metallic colors they have, so I thought they would be awesome as a cream. If you use a different brand, results may vary. Only one recipe didn't work too well for me, and I really don't think an expensive eyeshadow would make much of a difference. It might, so you can experiment if you want. Please leave me a comment if you try it and it works.
How to Make Eyeshadow With Lotion
On Monday, I made the DIY eyeshadow with vitamin E lotion. You can use any lotion as long as it's white and unscented. I chose that lotion because vitamin E is great for your eye area.
Honestly, I didn't have very high hopes for this recipe. I thought it was too easy, so I didn't see how it could work. I was wrong; it worked great! It gives great coverage and a great texture. This is a very quick, easy way to make shadow, so I will make it again. This wasn't my favorite method, but it is a great one.
Grade: B+
How to Make Eyeshadow With Eye Drops
If lotion works, so should eye drops, right? Eh, not so much. I really wanted this one to work, but I ended up with a gloppy mess. The shadow just wouldn't mix with the liquid and left a lot of lumps. Maybe a more expensive brand of eyeshadow would work better, I don't know. I like the other recipes, so I'm not going to recreate it. If this method has worked for you, please leave a comment with what may have gone wrong. It did give me a liquid shadow that did give some coverage, but it was too lumpy for me.
Grade: F
How to Make Eyeshadow With Shea Butter
This cream eyeshadow recipe is a bit more complicated because it has shea butter, glycerin, beeswax, and vitamin E oil. I thought it would take forever to make, but it really only took 10 minutes because I added all in ingredients except the color to a glass dish and microwaved it. You could also use a double boiler, but that would take longer. This is a great recipe that I will make again. I liked the coverage a little bit more than the lotion recipe, and the shea butter and vitamin E oil really help nourish the eye area.
Grade: A-
How to Make Eyeshadow With Alcohol and Oil
I only tried this DIY eyeshadow recipe because it was really odd compared to the other recipes. When I read that it will curdle and look like cottage cheese, I was a bit skeptical. Fear not, my friends, this is a great recipe. It only took about 10 minutes to make, so it wasn't difficult. I used a metallic powder, and the result is most definitely metallic. This would be a great look for night.
Grade: A
If you make any of these recipes, I'd love to hear about your results!