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What Are Blackheads?
Blackheads are nothing more than clogged hair follicles on your skin. When dead skin cells, dirt, or oil get trapped in a hair follicle, they clog the pore. If the pore can close, it forms a whitehead. But in the case of a blackhead, the pore does not close, so the debris that is trapped in the pore oxidizes and turn a yellowish brown and later black.
You are more likely to develop blackheads when your skin produces too much oil or you don’t exfoliate to remove dead skin cells. Wearing makeup often or using topical oils on your skin can also make blackheads on nose worse.
Facial Steaming
Facial steaming is a great way to naturally open your pores. You can even add herbs to your facial steam for more skin benefits. If you are steaming your face once a week, I suggest purchasing a facial steamer because they are easier to use and safer than heating water on the stove.
Egg White Facial Mask for Blackheads
Baking Soda Mask for Blackheads
Is there anything baking soda can’t do? Baking soda naturally dissolves grease and gently exfoliates your skin, so it removes dead skin cells and gets rid of dirt and oil.
Simply mix baking soda and water in a small bowl to make a paste. Spread on your face and let sit for 2-3 minutes before rinsing. Be sure to use a good moisturizer after this mask because it can be irritating and drying.
Green Tea Face Mask
Green tea
Oatmeal Face Mask
Oatmeal is a very gentle exfoliator, and it can help calm irritated skin. To make a mask, grind oatmeal or buy ground oatmeal
Cinnamon and Honey Face Mask
The cinnamon removes excess sebum on your skin, and honey helps pull out the debris clogging your pores. Mix one tablespoon raw honey and one teaspoon cinnamon together. Spread on your face and let sit for 15 minutes before you rinse it off. Cinnamon can cause redness, so don’t use this if you have sensitive skin. If it burns, rinse it off immediately. You should do a patch test on the inside of your arm before you try this on your face.
Other Tips for Blackheads on Nose
- Don’t try to squeeze blackheads because you can damage your skin and make the area look worse. If you just can’t leave them alone, use a comedone extractor
and learn how to use one.
- Don’t scrub your skin too hard because you can damage your skin.
- Only use a scrub once or twice a week to prevent damage.
- Change your pillowcase often. Dirt and oil from your pillowcase can also clog your pores.
- All of these home remedies for blackheads will take a few times to work. Sorry, but you can’t get rid of all of your blackheads in 10-15 minutes at home.