This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® & Road ID but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #roadid #RoadIDItsWhoIAm
When my sons were diagnosed with autism, our entire world changed. I knew we were headed towards a new way of life with therapies and strict routines, but nothing prepared me for the wandering. My oldest son has never wandered, but my younger son, Caleb, is a wanderer. When he was a toddler, he got outside alone. After that, we installed alarms on every exterior door. I felt safer at home, but venturing out in to the real world was a challenge. When we were in public, I watched my daughter, my husband watched my older son, and we both watched Caleb. Even with two sets of eyes on him, I was still terrified. He's 10-years-old now, and the last time that he wandered was just a few months ago. After that, I wanted to be proactive and get him an ID bracelet from Road ID.
Autism Wandering
Not all children with autism wander, but some do. Wandering is usually goal oriented: either the child wants to get something they want or avoid something they don't want. My son elopes for both reasons. If he is fixated on visiting a store, he will walk there by himself, even after being told no or to wait. He is verbal, but he can't always find the right words to communicate. If he wants to avoid an activity, he can break free from me to run away.
Road ID
My husband and I are working with Caleb's therapists to reduce his wandering, but we also want to protect him if he does wander. We got him a Road ID to wear so he always has our contact information. He knows our phone numbers, but he can become nonverbal or stop responding to verbal commands when he is in sensory overload. I feel so much better knowing that he has his name, diagnosis, and our phone numbers on him in case anything happens.
Throwing a weighed ball is part of his sensory diet. |
Kids with autism aren't the only ones who can benefit from Road ID. Did you know that 450,000 people are taken to the ER unconscious and without an ID each year? Road ID offers several styles of wearable ID, including the bracelet that I got Caleb, anklets, shoe IDs, and even products for dog collars.
Sensory play while homeschooling. |
Caleb liked picking out his Road ID. I chose the wrist ID slim 2 because we could cut it to his size. He chose the black and blue band. They have optional badges that you can add, so I added the puzzle pieces for autism. This style arrives with a long band that you cut to fit. It has a clasp that holds it securely in place.
The wrist ID slim 2 is adjustable for kids. |
Could you or someone you love benefit from a Road ID? From 11/24 through 11/28, take advantage of 20% off ALL Road ID products and gift cards, while supplies last! These are great gifts for anyone who is a runner or bicyclist.