I have been compensated by Johnson's® Baby for this post; however, I am sharing my own thoughts. All opinions are my own.
My youngest baby turned 10 this summer, but that doesn't mean that I don't frequent the baby aisle at Walmart anymore. When my kids were little, I used Johnson & Johnson baby products on them. My favorite was the Johnson's Bedtime Bath. Every time I smell it, I am instantly taken
back to the time I was holding my babies while they slept. The smell of Johnson's Baby Oil also
takes me back, so I still buy it to use on my legs and feet.
My son has autism, and he is what's known as a sensory seeker. His occupational therapist makes this cloud dough recipe with him. Of course, I had to use Johnson's Baby Oil because I love the smell and so it would soften our hands.
My son has autism, and he is what's known as a sensory seeker. His occupational therapist makes this cloud dough recipe with him. Of course, I had to use Johnson's Baby Oil because I love the smell and so it would soften our hands.
Cloud Dough Recipe
Making the cloud dough is easy because you only need two ingredients: white flour and Johnson & Johnson Baby Oil. You'll also need a large bowl or bin.
The base recipe is to use 8 cups of flour to 1 cup of baby oil. You can also use 4 cups of flour to 1/2 cup baby oil or 2 cups of flour to 1/4 cup of Johnson's Baby Oil like I used. This is a great time to work on math with your kids. Since Caleb is going in to 7th grade, we worked on ratios.
Place the measured flour in a bowl. Measure the baby oil and slowly drizzle it in the bowl, being careful not to dump it all in one spot so it's easier to mix.
You can use your hands, a dough blender, or even a spoon to mix it up. It should look dry, but when you squeeze it, it will hold its shape. You can add more oil if you need to. We added about another 1/8 of a cup for our 2 cups of flour.
Making the cloud dough is fun, but playing with it is even more fun. I gave my kids cookie cutters to play with for this batch. Caleb also uses his dinosaur toys and even buttons or beads to play with in the cloud dough.
When you're done, cover the cloud dough with a lid and store until the next time you want to play with it. If it dries out, drizzle some Johnson's Baby Oil and mix it up.
If someone is reporting an adverse event or a product quality complaint, please tell them to call
the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) North America Consumer Care Center at 800-361- 8068 during
normal business hours of operation: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. After normal
business hours, they can report adverse events or product quality complaints through
www.jnj.com Contact Us page.
For more Johnson & Johnson Baby Product hacks, visit their Pinterest page.
If someone is reporting an adverse event or a product quality complaint, please tell them to call
the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) North America Consumer Care Center at 800-361- 8068 during
normal business hours of operation: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. After normal
business hours, they can report adverse events or product quality complaints through
www.jnj.com Contact Us page.
For more Johnson & Johnson Baby Product hacks, visit their Pinterest page.